2008 Opus Prize Laureate
Burundi, Africa
In 1993, Maggy Barankitse was working for the Catholic Bishop of Ruyigi in eastern Burundi, when Tutsis stormed the Bishop’s residence and killed 72 Hutus. Amid the chaos, Maggy saved 25 children. Driven by hope and faith, she set out to provide a safe haven for young survivors of violence.

Maison Shalom began as a home for the 25 orphaned children who survived the attack and has grown into a multi-functional service agency, helping heal and support 30,000 young people and families. In order to care for the children affected by conflict, Maggy and her team operate 500 small houses throughout the country which provide support by integrating children into families.
The focus of Maggy and Maison Shalom’s work is to change the lives of children, ultimately bettering the lives of all Burundians. Based on their successful efforts, the model is spreading, with outreach and aid to children in Rwanda and the Congo.